Eastern North Carolina RIBN

Admission Requirements
Thank you for your interest in Eastern North Carolina Regionally Increasing Baccalaureate Nurses (ENC RIBN). Students admitted to ENC RIBN must meet admission requirements set forth collaboratively by College of The Albemarle (COA) and East Carolina University (ECU). Please read this information thoroughly. Admission to ENC RIBN is highly competitive.
Concurrent Enrollment and Continuation Criteria
COA and ECU also have traditional two-year and four-year nursing education programs respectively. Each of those programs has a separate admissions process from the ENC RIBN concurrent admission nursing option. If a student is unsuccessful in the RIBN program of study at any point prior to graduation with a baccalaureate degree, the student will be administratively withdrawn from any nursing courses.
If you wish to apply for either of those traditional programs, you must complete the individual admissions process for COA or ECU and meet the admissions criteria for that specific nursing program.
Please see below for requirements for Concurrent Admission to ENC RIBN.
Application Period
COA and ECU are collaborating on a concurrent admission process. ENC RIBN will begin accepting online applications Sep. 1 for the RIBN class that begins the following fall semester. The deadline to apply for fall admission is Jan. 31. The RIBN applicants that are high school seniors and meet the admission criteria will be given preferential consideration. Other applicants who meet the criteria may be considered. Students are not eligible for RIBN if they have been unsuccessful or dismissed from a traditional baccalaureate or associate degree program.
We want to ensure you have the best possible chance of being selected by completing all processes and submitting all necessary application documents completely, correctly and by the deadline. Should you have any questions regarding the application process, please contact the ENC RIBN Student Success Advocate at 252-744-6498.
North Carolina Residency
Preference is given to North Carolina residents. If you’re not a North Carolina resident, you’ll only be considered in the event that vacancies occur after June 1. Please be advised that this rarely occurs. Applicants who (1) have lived outside North Carolina during all of the 12 months immediately preceding the start of the fall semester or (2) are claimed as a dependent by a parent/guardian who is not a North Carolina resident are generally not considered to be residents. In order to ensure that you meet the residency requirements and are eligible to apply, you must fill out the Application for a Legal Resident of North Carolina which you can obtain from COA Admissions Office by the Jan. 31 deadline. ENC RIBN is not open to applicants who are not U.S. citizens unless the applicant is: (1) a permanent resident alien with an alien registration receipt card (“green card”) or (2) a nonimmigrant alien with an employment authorization card and a visa type which permits establishment of North Carolina residency. Questions regarding this should be directed to COA Director of Admissions. Military waivers and request for a change in tuition status is based on the information supplied with the Application for Military Tuition Waivers and other required documents. Servicemembers submitting military waivers must be active duty and stationed in North Carolina to be classified as in-state students.
Required High School Courses
To be considered for admission, you must have earned a high school diploma or its equivalent and satisfy the following University of North Carolina (UNC) minimum course requirements:
- Four course units of English
- Two course units of social studies (one in U.S. history)
- Four course units of mathematics (algebra I, algebra II, geometry, plus a higher level mathematics course for which algebra II is a prerequisite)
- Three course units of natural science (one must be life science, one must be physical science, and a laboratory course
- Two course units of a language other than English
The RIBN program requires a minimal of high school chemistry with a “C” or better to be completed within the past five years. If you didn’t complete some of the required high school courses, you may take courses at the college level to satisfy these course requirements before you’re eligible to apply.
Pre Admission Test Scores
You must submit your official SAT scores (must include the three components of critical reading, math and writing) or official ACT scores (must include English, reading, math and writing) to COA. The SAT score in critical reading must meet the minimum score requirement of 490 or higher to be considered for admission to ENC RIBN. Students scoring less than “500” in the writing and/or math component of the SAT must meet the minimum score requirement on the NCDAP. The ACT composite score must meet the minimum score requirement of “21” on all sections of the ACT (writing included).
Component | SAT | Accuplacer |
Reading | 490 | n/a |
Writing | 500 | 86 |
Math | 500 | 76 (Algebra) 55 (Arithmetic) |
Component | ACT | Accuplacer |
Reading | 21 | n/a |
English | 21 | n/a |
Math | 21 | 76 (Algebra) 55 (Arithmetic) |
Writing | 21 | 86 |
Grade-Point Average (GPA)
To be eligible to apply for admission to ENC RIBN the applicant should be directly from high school or before completion of at least 12 hours of college credit, a student must have an unweighted cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale both in high school courses and college courses.
How to Apply
- Complete a free, online general application to COA. Please be aware, this is not an application to ENC RIBN or to the nursing program
- Submit your official high school transcript, all official college transcripts and official SAT or ACT scores to the Admissions Office at COA by Jan. 31
- Learn about ENC RIBN admission requirements and how to submit an ENC RIBN application. To be considered for RIBN you do not need to submit official documents to the Student Success Advocate but will to ECU Admissions. These documents can be submitted to the ECU website.
- Upon acceptance into the ENC RIBN program, the student must complete the ECU Admission application and submit the required application fee for ECU by cashier’s check by the published deadline. Submit your official high school transcript, all official college transcripts and official SAT or ACT scores to ECU Admissions
- Applicants with disabilities should contact the Coordinator of Disability Services/Counselor at COA
How the Point System Works
Admission to the program is highly competitive. After meeting all general and ENC RIBN program admission requirements for ECU and COA, all ENC RIBN applicants will be ranked numerically based on the following criteria:
GPA (minimal 3.0) possible 10 points |
SAT Reading (minimal required: 490) |
SAT Math | SAT Writing | ACT Reading (minimal required: 21) |
ACT Math | ACT Writing | Chemistry (minimal required: C) |
Online 3-hour credit course (bonus points)* |
3.0 – 3.1 = 1 | 490 – 520 = 1 | 500 – 520 = 1 | 500 – 520 = 1 | 21 – 24 = 1 | 21 – 24 = 1 | 21 – 24 = 1 | A = 2 | 2 points |
3.11 – 3.2 = 2 | 521 – 540 = 2 | 521 – 540 = 2 | 521 – 540 = 2 | 25 – 29 = 2 | 25 – 29 = 2 | 25 – 29 = 2 | B = 1 | n/a |
3.21 – 3.3 = 3 | 541 – 560 = 3 | 541 – 560 = 3 | 541 – 560 = 3 | 30 – 34 = 3 | 30 – 34 = 3 | 30 – 34 = 3 | n/a | n/a |
3.31 – 3.4 = 4 | 561 – 580 = 4 | 561 – 580 = 4 | 561 – 580 = 4 | 34 – 35 = 4 | 34 – 35 = 4 | 34 – 35 = 4 | n/a | n/a |
3.41 – 3.5 = 5 | > 580 = 5 | > 580 = 5 | > 580 = 5 | > 35 = 5 | > 35 = 5 | > 35 = 5 | n/a | n/a |
3.51 – 3.6 = 6 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
3.61 – 3.7 = 7 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
3.71 – 3.8 = 8 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
3.81 – 3.9 = 9 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
3.91 – 4.0 = 10 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
*Course needs to be a college transfer course, and the applicant may want to take a course within the RIBN curriculum and CIS 110 would be accepted.
ENC RIBN Student Information
Before nursing courses begin criminal background checks and drug screenings are required by certain clinical sites for students entering the nursing program. These screenings will be conducted at the student’s expense by a professional and independent vendor before nursing courses begin and at a designated time according to COA instructions.
Failure to achieve acceptable standards for these screenings will result in the denial of clinical privileges. Successful completion of clinical is required for program completion. For all ENC RIBN students, criminal background checks will be required by ECU prior to entering year three of the baccalaureate nursing courses in the RIBN curriculum. Information will be sent to you by ECU when required.
The North Carolina Board of Nursing requires criminal background checks including fingerprints for all applicants for initial licensure and may deny licensure to individuals convicted of a misdemeanor or felony. The North Carolina Board of Nursing does not become involved in reviewing the applicant’s conviction record until such time as application is made to take the national examination. The question asked on this application is whether or not the applicant has ever been convicted of a misdemeanor/felony. If the response is yes, a certified copy of the criminal record and a detailed written explanation must be submitted. Review of the record is made by the Board staff in accordance with guidelines established by the Board. The applicant may take the exam as scheduled; however, the license may or may not be issued upon passing the exam.
Applicants must demonstrate the ability to meet certain essential functions critical to the successful completion of the program. These functions include skills and abilities essential for such things as operation of equipment; evaluation and manipulation of patients; evaluation of microscopic components and color reactions; and communication with patients, families and other medical personnel. For an explanation of specific physical and cognitive requirements for ENC RIBN, contact the department representative.
Students accepted into the ENC RIBN nursing program will be required to complete CPR Basic Life Support for Health Care Providers from the American Heart Association™ prior to year two in the curriculum.
All documents that you submit with your application for ENC RIBN must be true, correct and complete. Falsification of documentation may result in denial of admission or dismissal after admission. Admission criteria are subject to change from year to year.
Readmission Policy
The following readmission policy applies to students who receive an unsuccessful grade in a required course in the RIBN curriculum, or who voluntarily withdraw from such a program.
Unsuccessful grades are defined as “D,” “F” or “U.”
- If you receive an unsuccessful grade in the RIBN program, you may not proceed
- Students may reapply one time if they meet the following criteria:
- Receive an unsuccessful grade in one course during the first semester
- Voluntarily withdraws from the program prior to nursing course; if in a nursing course readmission is dependent on recommendation from COA and based on space availability and each schools readmission policy
- Students need to have at least a 2.0 to apply for readmission
- Readmission of students who have progressed beyond the first semester, but who have been unsuccessful in a subsequent semester is dependent upon space availability in the class, demonstration of proficiency in a variety of clinical procedures, and other issues pertinent to reentering students. You will be required to meet with the Department representative for specific readmission guidelines
- Students need to notify the Registrar’s office at ECU and the COA regarding any change in enrollment status.
Last updated: Sep. 7, 2016